Anabolic Food Intolerance Test: Discover what you do not eat
You may not know well. Suddenly you begin to worry headache and indigestion also does not work as it should.

You might even think that the cause of the trouble is an unusual reaction of the body to certain foods, technically known as food intolerance.

Disease suffers up to forty-five percent of the people, without knowing what is causing it. The first health problems may appear to tens of hours and often for several days.

The main reason is the delayed reaction of the body to the food eaten Anabolic Cooking

In addition to symptoms that were mentioned in the introduction, food intolerance can also cause a whole group of other problems, such as skin rash, diarrhea, constipation, sleep disorders, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes), chronic fatigue, problems with weight, anxiety, depression.

These symptoms of food intolerance is different from food allergies, which are reflected on the other hand quickly, its course is much stronger and can potentially endanger human life.

How to determine food intolerance?

The food which the body is unable to cope can be determined in several ways.

 You can begin to keep a diary in which you write what you ate that day and how you currently feel. This gives you control over the composition of the diet and your body's response to food. But it is a long process and the method is quite inaccurate.

As long as you do not use fresh lovage in soup can also use dried. If boiled potatoes, which is a little older, celery is a great boost. But, of course, find henna to use in the kitchen.

Try to grow lovage home and let us know which products are preferred added.

Pumpkin and culinary variations

Pumpkin is classified in the group of very healthy vegetable, as it is the source of many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, and beta-carotene, a large number of minerals and potassium Anabolic Cooking

If you have any problems with the stomach, pancreas, spleen, or should be, a pumpkin begins to consume on a regular basis, and you will see that your health is improving.

Due to the high potassium content, the meat vegetables pumpkin with an excellent treatment of cardiac and renal disorders, because it has the ability to bind to toxic substances and harmful toxins from the body, and then dissolve removed from the body.

Meat is a diuretic, the seeds again have a positive effect on the prostate. Pumpkins and prevention of a variety of parasites in the body.

In preparing some skin peel pumpkin dishes, new skin keeps them elsewhere. Pulp can be eaten both raw and cooked or otherwise cooked. All rights are the seeds that each shell.

Below are two examples of how to use a pumpkin.

pumpkin soup

We need to - 1.2 kg pumpkin, 1 potato, 1 large onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a handful of parsley, salt, pepper, cumin, nutmeg, milk 0.5 liters, 0.7 liters of water, 0, 3 liters of cream.

For the average mortal about anabolic cooking this article beneficial will not find her here but especially beginner’s hopper, which the term "liver protection" says, absolutely anything.

The thing is: if you take anabolic cooking, your liver will suffer thereby. Not for nothing, it is recommended to go for liver function tests (such as before and a few weeks after the peel) to get at least some idea of what you threw given bark.

 To protect the liver uses more tricks, today we focus on the herbs that are commonly used for cleaning the liver Anabolic Cooking

Yet small note: Herbs are no third miraculous power that will 100% protect from all the problems, it's more like a cheap and unassuming addition to salad no stem, such as the Flavor boon or Essential.

Just for fun, I found in my archive of photos a few pages liver tests mate, about one year old.

Just to explain, in the first column is the name of the test substance, the second measured quantity, followed by a graphical representation, see if everything is OK (if so, the asterisk in the middle, see if not, it flies off somewhere, see: | | | * |). The last column is the tolerance for the standard condition.

Acrimony - Agrimonies eupatorium

Small yellow flowers form long acrimony grapes, like mullein. The whole plant is finely hairy, has large leaves, up to 10 cm long, broken by lithosphere.

The plant grows to a height of 80 cm and belonging to the same family (the rose) such as lady's mantle Anabolic Cooking Review